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Certified Primordial Medicine Within™ Self Healing Facilitators

Dedication. Expertise. Passion.

Our Certified Healing Facilitators have all spent 20 years or more training directly with Dr. Zhang.

Teresa Mullan Frease

The death of family members in childhood spurred Teresa into a life of introspection, a search for meaning and purpose, and exploration of approaches and methods for self-healing and healing of others. This eventually led her to Qi Gong Master, Dr. Dongxun Zhang, his Qi Gong system and advanced training and healing work.


After 6 years as a university academic, Teresa left that world and entered her journey into health and healing. She became a teacher of Transcendental Meditation, which she taught in Belfast, Ireland before immigrating to the USA. She studied and trained in qi gong for 25 years, spending the last 18 years going deep into advanced qigong training and healing work as a Direct Student, Qi Gong Teacher, and Principal Assistant to Dr. Dongxun Zhang – the creator of Primordial Medicine Within™.


Teresa learned Primordial Medicine Within™  directly from Dr. Zhang. She offers all the Primordial Medicine Within™ self- healing modalities, but is finding that those people especially with chronic kidney disease and those going through chemotherapy, and/or radiotherapy, have been gravitating towards her to learn this profound method for self-healing.


Tim Chrisco

Tim began his training in Jingui Golden Shield Qi Gong in 1995. In 1998 he became an assistant instructor for Jingui Golden Shield Qi Gong. A couple of years later he became an instructor. Tim has been greatly blessed to have Dr Dongxun Zhang instruct him throughout his training.


Primordial Medicine Within™ (PMW) is the energy medicine system which Dr Zhang created. It is his gift to the world. 

According to Tim this form of energy medicine taps straight to the original source energy within the body, and activates that energy. It can be applied to many of the more difficult problems we face today. In addition to helping others learn the PMW techniques, Tim has personally used PMW to heal several chronic, long standing problems in his own body. He is 100% convinced that PMW is indeed a very powerful, self-healing technique.


Tim feels greatly honored to be one of the few students who has been personally trained by Dr Zhang in the Primordial Medicine Within™ Programs. He is extremely grateful to have the opportunity to share this priceless healing modality with the rest of the world.

Felicity Kelly, L. Ac.

At the age of 8, Felicity was asked by a 2nd grader to help solve a sticky situation with their parents. Feeling at a loss as to how to help her fellow classmate and yet powerfully compelled to do so, she found herself giving some advice that made sense and solved the problem. This experience was immensely gratifying and set the direction for her life. Felicity learned meditation at 15 and began teaching Transcendental Meditation from 1975-2002 in the U.S., Europe, Thailand, The Philippines and India. She has dedicated her life to helping people through various different modalities. 


Felicity Kelly, L. Ac. currently practices acupuncture and teaches in Burlington, IA. She studies directly with Dr. Dongxun Zhang. She started teaching his Jingui Golden Shield Qi Gong in 2002 in Chicago, IL, subsequently teaching in Fairfield, IA, Phoenix, AZ and British Columbia, Canada. 


Felicity offers all of Primordial Medicine Within™ modalities and has found this self healing program developed by Dr. Dongxun Zhang to be one of the most gratifying  and profoundly effective ways that people have been helped. She has experienced that her own health has benefited greatly from this program.

Mary Ida began her studies at East Carolina University and graduated with a bachelor’ degree in Psychology. Her passion for natural ways to heal the body led her to her studies and instruction of Eastern health programs. This includes being an Ayurvedic Massage therapist and trainer for 20 years, a student of Jingui Golden Shield for 23 years, and an instructor of Dr. Zhang’s systems for 20 years. Other professional activities include organic gardening and greenhouse management.  Mary Ida continues to broaden her studies to include Dr. Zhang’s self-healing programs. She learned directly from Dr. Zhang the simple protocols of Primordial Medicine Within™. This self-healing has brought relief to many, including herself. She is excited to continue to share this profound knowledge that resides in everyone.

Mary Ida Adams

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