Acupuncture: Ask for an appointment
Acupuncture works by inserting fine needles at specific points in the patient’s body. These needles are inserted up to a certain depth under the skin. The concept of how this method works is by finding a balance between the “Chi” or the body’s energy zones.
It is believed that when a person gets sick it is because of an imbalance that has occurred in these zones. By accessing specific points the balance is restored again. Nerves, connective tissues, and muscles are stimulated during this process. The body’s natural pain killer is also stimulated.
Acupuncture is most effective against pain related conditions.
​For example; arthritis, back, neck, knee and shoulder pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and sciatica.
Acupuncture also has much broader applications beyond pain relief. The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes the use of acupuncture in the treatment of a wide range of common illnesses including:

Upper Respiratory Tract:
Acute sinusitis
Acute rhinitis
Common Cold and Flu
Acute tonsillitis
Respiratory System
Acute bronchitis
Bronchial asthma (Most effective in children and uncomplicated conditions.)
Eye Disorders
Acute conjunctivitis
Central Retinitis Myopia (in children)
Cataracts (without complications)
Mouth Disorders
Post Extraction Pain
Acute and Chronic Pharyngitis
Gastrointestinal Disorders
Spasms of esophagus
Acute and Chronic Gastritis
Gastric Hyperacidity
Chronic Duodenal Ulcer (pain relief)
Acute Duodenal Ulcer (without complications)
Acute and Chronic Colitis
Acute Bacillary Dysentery
Paralytic Ileus
Neurologic and Musculoskeletal Disorders
Headache and Migraine
Trigeminal Neuralgias
Facial Palsy (early stage, i.e., within 3-6 months)
Pareses Following a Stroke
Peripheral Neuropathies
Sequelae of Poliomyelitis (early stage, i.e., within 6 months)
Meniere's Disease
Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction
Nocturnal Enuresis (bedwetting)
Intercostal Neuralgia
Cervicobrachial Syndrome
Frozen Shoulder
Tennis Elbow
Low Back Pain
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Back and Knee Pain
Chronic Fatigue
Sports Injuries and Pains
Reproductive & Gynecological Conditions
Premenstrual Syndrome
Dysmenorrhea (menstrual cramps)
Spotting and Excessive Bleeding
Amenorrhea (Loss of Menstrual Period)
Mental Emotional Problems
Cupping and Gua Sha
Another set of techniques used in acupuncture to alleviate discomfort and local stagnation are Cupping and Gua Sha. Both are less invasive and can be used to enhance circulation, remove stagnation, help relieve pain and pull toxins from your body’s tissue. You may feel a slight tight sensation in the area of the cup while it stimulates and also relaxes the local area.
Cups can be left in place for 1 to 20 minutes and can cause the skin to temporarily turn a slightly different color, especially if there is an energetic blockage in the area.

General Rates:
Rates may differ between doctors and procedures, please call for more information.
Consultation and Acupuncture Treatment: $150
Consultation Only: $90
Phone Consultation: 30 min. - $70
Our Specialties: ​
“A new study of acupuncture — the most rigorous and detailed analysis of the treatment to date — found that it can ease migraines and arthritis and other forms of chronic pain.” – The New York Times
Arthritis Migraines Lower Back Pain
Neck Pain Tennis Elbow Sciatica
Carpel Tunnel Shoulder Pain TMJ
Dental Pain Knee Pain Menstrual Pain
Headaches Fibromyalgia And Much more
“The present study shows that a single acupuncture treatment was efficacious for improving isometric quadriceps strength in recreational athletes. These results might have implications not only for athletic performance enhancement, but also for rehabilitation programs aimed at restoring neuromuscular function.” – European Journal of Applied Physiology
Tendonitis Sprains/Strains Post Surgery Recovery

Muscle Tension/Soreness Plantar Fasciitis Workout Recovery
Shin Splints Injury Prevention Performance Enhancement

Reduce Anxiety Reduce Stress PTSD
ADHD Depression Poor Memory
Acupuncture for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder:
A Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial: The researchers found that acupuncture provided treatment effects were superior to the control group. Additionally, treatment effects were maintained for 3 months after the end of treatment. – The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 2007
​Day to Day:
“Patients receiving acupuncture treatments for seasonal allergic rhinitis reported statistically significant improvements in symptoms and decreased use of medication” – Annals of Internal Medicine

Seasonal Allergies Cold/Flu Sore Throat

Constipation Diarrhea Canker Sores
Insomnia UTI Quit Smoking
Quit Alcohol Acid Reflex Poor Digestion
Fatigue Nausea/Vomiting Tinnitus
​Healthy Living:
University of California uncovered the mechanism as to how acupuncture lowers high blood pressure. They found that it stimulates brain neurons which then down regulate the excess sympathetic nerve activity. – University of California 2012

High Blood Pressure High Cholesterol Sugar Balance

Neuropathy related to Diabetes Low Blood Pressure Heart Health

​Women’s Health:
Of the 80 women who underwent IVF and received acupuncture, 34 women got pregnant, a success rate of 42.5%. Of the 80 women involved in the study who received IVF without any acupuncture treatments, only 21 women (26.3%) became pregnant. – Fertility and Sterility 2002

PMS Irregular Menstruation Osteoporosis

Morning Sickness Hormone Balance Infertility
“Traditional medicine has been used for thousands of years with great contributions made by practitioners to human health, particularly as primary health care providers at the community level” – World Health Organisation

Side Effects of Chemo Macular Degeneration Hemochromatosis

High Altitude Treatment Benign Growth/Tumors Shingles